
As the Germans say, "man trifft sich immer zweimal im Leben" - which roughly translates to "you always meet twice".  Our business model is based on working with clients on a long-term basis - we aren't big enough to have a call-centre full of agents sending out 50 speculative CVs every day.  And we're happy that way. 

We regularly place senior roles that "Big Name" firms have failed to hire.  Times change and markets adapt, but we maintain a very strong network of loyal clients - many of whom have been with us since the very beginning.  Not only have they chosen to continue working with us when they have moved to a new company, but in most cases, we have also continued to work successfully with their old company too. 

Above all, results count.  We like to think we do things a little more informally and build stronger relationships than some, but we understand that it's all about delivery. 

If you would like an informal chat about how we could be helping you to hire the best, please get in touch!

If you would like an informal chat about how we could be helping you to hire the best, please get in touch!

English +44 (0)1626 362144

Deutsch +49 (0)6761 9119919

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